Everyone in State has been working on this war with ultimately Iran for a generation by letting the illegal occupation run rampant with the scale and breadth of their atrocities to create Condoleezza Rice’s version of kleptocracies funneling resources through corpostates like Halliburton and Chevron where Lebanon, Syria, Jordon and Iraq once stood. Cheney doing ads against Tillerson’s old boss hasn’t messed the formula.

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Thank You Kevin

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Cancel U.N. Resolution # 181 that established Israel. It is a Terrorist State that Owns my Govt.. Blow the whistle on the War Criminals. Help Wanted.

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Our lamestream mainstream ain't media at all, just propaganda outfitters. I include kpfa here, despite that they sometimes allow you a mic rather occasionally, on the last semi decent show I won't name here, since it too often fails and flails anymore

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Our Israeli supporting parties are owned and that has been extremely bad for us since before 9-11. I want all the money back that we have spent on that racist apartheid state.

I mean what else should you do with a n artificially created state upon a state that doesn't play well with others and that has a nuke program?

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If only it were only Iran.

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