Feb 10, 2021Liked by Kevin Gosztola

Really appreciate you making your Assange articles public! It makes it way easier to share with my former journalism professors and classmates who still won't speak on this. Hoping one of these will be the article that makes it click for some of them.

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Feb 10, 2021Liked by Kevin Gosztola

We cannot give up hope that someone, somehow, somewhere will convince Biden to drop the charges and not only save Julian, but save press freedom and the First Amendment to the US Constitution. I was very glad to see the press freedom groups en masse write that letter and hope it moves them to reconsider this urgent matter.

If not, there is always hope of Assange winning appeals with more humane judges in the UK. He has endured enough and what has transpired so far should have thrown this 'case' to the gutter where it truly belongs! Anyone who read the trial transcripts and followed Julian's case and history knows the complete illegal bias, five state witch hunt and government decade long propaganda smear... all beyond deplorable.

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Well, shit. And fck. It was that lowlife brooding Brennan that initiated this, Pompeo aside. What Brennan did to John Kiriakou after Alberto Gonzales and W. declined to prosecute JK wrote this ticket to hell for Julian.

Like Caitlin Johnstone said about Biden & Iran (Blinken,) ol' Jim Crow Joe is just Trump waving a rainbow flag.

And the beat goes on....

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One would come away from this article thinking Obama was an advocate and protector of Assange when the reverse is true. It is the Obama/Biden/Clinton US administration that caused Julian’s persecution, and his consequential fear and hiding. They declared their enemy status toward him in clear terms. Obama never pardoned Assange in a way that would make him a fellow human with freedom. Obama may have dropped extradition charges but what difference did that make I ask?

And considering that Hillary Clinton was expected to succeed Obama, and considering her seething hatred of Julian its not out of the question that the Obama administration expected US extradition to be rekindled under a Hillary Clinton presidency - the Democrats have more of an axe to grind against than Republicans, not that matters, when the USA declares an enemy both parties and any president have no control. Assange has always been an enemy of the intelligence and terrorist variety; something enabled in the dystopian mindset since 9/11 and the Patriot Act.

Anyway the arm of Obama’s successor was forced to renege on his election campaign statements in support of Assange.

Btw, if USA First Amendment doesn’t apply to Julian Assange because he is not a USA Citizen, well that’s true, but what’s also true is that the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights does apply - since he is human. Do I have to point this out to a USA whose history denied black folk their humanity? Further, Assange is a fellow Australian and he’s not been in the USA during these alleged crimes - so like Pompeo admits he’s not protected by the US First Amendment because US law does not apply to him, he’s not subject to any of the 17 charges within US law that the USA has brought on and have him as a frighten fugitive, in jail, tortured, isolated with severe depression and a suicide risk. Is the public perception of USA exceptionalism, world policeman / big brother and bull-dog over-reach so pervasive and normalized that domestic law itself has morphed into a smudgy cloud of absurdity down a rabbit hole?

Has the USA nation with imbalanced and obscene military capacity, a nation that lawlessly invaded Iraq and Afghanistan with immunity to this day, somehow thereby become the alpha victor of planet —post-War-on-Terror? This is where its own lawlessness is propagandize end confused into the global jungle for the benefit of elite Globalist cover-ups, waste and excess, and private convenience?

Do we need to point out that if the notion of sovereignty is still a thing then USA law has no legitimacy or meaning outside it’s borders, as with every other nation.

Its not just freedom of the press and free speech at stake in the Julian Assange case, it’s the rule of law: why am I not surprised that such fundamental concepts are so intertwined in Julian’s case? #freeAssange

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What fake news ! Who writes this ! IT WAS UNDER OBAMBA/BIDEN administration who wanted Julians head ! It was from Obama/Administration Julian had to escape from to save his life and ended up in the Ecuador embassy in the First place and HAD TO REMAIN throughout OBAMA/BIDEN 8 years of power ! Trump was the one landed with the ongoing prosecution from Them !!!!!! And there was NOTHING that Trump could do LEGALLY at the time as Julian was NOT convicted for any crime TO FREE JULIAN ! This is false propaganda and we should NOT be spreading it !!! JULIAN ASSANGE IS ABOUT SPREADING THE TRUTH NOT LIES !!!!

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