Keep it up Kevin, you're doing a great job, that so many of your "colleagues" just refuse to do nowerdays or are, proven by this rightly, scared of doing !

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Insidious traitors, all of them. The sad part is that even if the biased courts/juries find for CN, no news of this will be published in the mass media.

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Washington Post refused to cover this lawsuit.

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This is scandalous! The fake resistance is out of control. With now Facebook and Twitter joining the censorship campaign things don't look well. That's how fascism takes hold.

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Just checked and the only story showing is the denial from the minister in 2017. They should publish the follow up in the interests of fairness.

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What goes on in Canada..... stays in Canada. Especially their outsized role in taking in 1000s of Ukrainian Nazis following WW II. I have reams of bookmarks detailing what really goes on there, that notionally paradigm of 'politeness' on the other side of the border. There are shit tons of hardass racists, thousands of murders of indigenous women remain unsolved; their residential schools for First Nations' children are a horror story eclipsing even what the Catholic Church pedophiles accomplished in the US. And Justin Turdeau also appointed Freeland Deputy Prime Minister in his spare time. The firing of Stephane Dion as Foreign Minister was precisely because he was not considered anti-Russian enough. Which opened the door for Chrystia Freeland to take the job around the time of the Maidan Coup.

OBTW, Freeland made her bones with Reuters as a journalist, also managing to reestablish old family ties in Ukraine while doing so.

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It is an effi n outrage, as i said before, this attack on Julian Assange and now on Consortium news is a blatant attack on All our human rights ! So blatant, it makes even china look like school boys !

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