Thank you for reporting on Daniel Hale. Please keep us all updated on his case and situation. I can only hope that the govt doesn't hand him an unbearable sentence. We need to shed more light on him and the use of the Espionage Act against truthtellers.

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A dangerous precedent to set... my heart goes out to Hale.. we must all protect whistleblowers as they are the brave who follow their heart and do what is right..stop this abhorrent persecution.

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I don't know how I continue to be surprised by how immoral this country is. But I do.

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It's good that you do feel shock. It means you have empathy, and you're not entirely desensitized. I do my best to keep this part of me intact every day.

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Thank you for continuing to report truth to power. I agree 1005 with the other commenters about the immorality, unjust and deplorable ways the US government pushes propaganda talking about a free and unfettered press and a democracy, while their actions show nothing is further than the truth. #FreeAssange #FreeHale #FreeSnowden #FreeRealityWinner and their lackeys are going after Craig Murray... I have no more words to describe my anger and disgust.

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Craig Murray coverage coming this Friday

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I hope he is getting the mental health care he needs he is an American veteran none the less.

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*typo should read 100% not 1005. Sorry.

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National Socialists and Marxists from Dems party are glued together . California Über Alles

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