Will ScKamala the unburdened speak about this crime? Gonzalo Lira?

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The silence of the failed state department and their blinkenistas is deafening.

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Reporting on the crimes of isra hell can land you in jail or dead

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Thank goodness you are reporting on this, Kevin. After all the millions have had to go thru for Julian to be freed, now to have to begin all over again with why it is illegal to arrest, detain, torture our own?! American CITIZEN independent journalist, documentary filmmaker, reporter of conscience!? What this means & what we still have to man & woman the White House phone lines every damn day for, right now! Merrick Garland,The State Dept. (202- 647-4000) phone, flood, email tweet, post. Share. The more facebook takes this info down, the more people document this crime by the IOF (Israeli Occupation Forces).

Bless you for this update, Kevin! My gut is wrenched by this atrocity, again. Jeremy Loffredo must be released & sent home safely. We demand a White House Comment on what they are actively doing to release Jeremy Loffredo, & bring him home to the U.S. safely.

Shame is all over U.S. Blood too.

Shame is complicity w/war crimes against humanity.


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Didn't this guy understand that real journalism is a crime in places like Israel? Hillary wants to make it a crime everywhere....

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It will get way worse before it gets better and if it doesn't get better, that means they are still winning.

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Thank goodness Jeremy is free but another horrible reflection of what an American ally looks like.

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Yes, at least he's not in detention but not in the clear yet. He'll be safe when he is allowed to board a plane and leave.

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The forced disappearances of photojournalists you refer to in this article... https://thedissenter.org/slow-torture-israels-detention-of-palestinian-journalists/?ref=the-dissenter-newsletter .... those people from Oct 7 will not be allowed to see lawyers or anyone and are probably dead due to having taken photos and witnesses Israeli setting this all up and their horrendous atrocities committed on that day.

A false flag event I saw it as at the time, so that Israel can lie to themselves and others and try to justify their soulless selves and behaviour.

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Terrible. I hear now that he's going to be released on October 20th. I hope this is true.

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Bebe is a Tyrant Bully who has befriended Baphomet.

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