It's disgusting to think that the US has been informed and kept up to date about Israel's bombing of Gaza and the attack on Lebanon. Just horrible. What a genocidal bunch of maniacs. And still, other than a 'pause', we have not been able to stop our government from sending weapons.
Did Solomon vote for Biden? For Biden/Harris War Criminal vote? Cancel U.N. Resolution # 181. truth
Kevin , I thank you so much for you Educating for truth. I was with you in a trailer going into a wikileak leaker. Keep on....
Hey Chuck. Keep on keepin' on.
It's disgusting to think that the US has been informed and kept up to date about Israel's bombing of Gaza and the attack on Lebanon. Just horrible. What a genocidal bunch of maniacs. And still, other than a 'pause', we have not been able to stop our government from sending weapons.