Trump is a socialized psychopath, completely amoral and without principle. Such people only calculate what's good for them to the exclusion of all else, they have zero empathy and if there is nothing in it for them or if there is downside for them they will not do it. No matter how just the case or how right others regard the action, such a person will only ever do it if they gain something, status, power or wealth. Trump is arguably the most successful conscience-free con artist that ever lived. He duped even more people than Obama and just a few less than Biden. I see no hope of the USA ever having a truly just president ever again. The years ahead look extremely dire. Biden's Obama-era neocons are going to do just as much evil as Trump, simply on different issues in different areas, in the field of foreign policy especially.

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I'm still holding out hope, but it's growing dimmer as the hours count down.

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no surprises in the banana republic

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He knows they'd off him if he did. I think he may die mysteriously, anyway. There's nothing the Democrats won't stop at.

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Bill Clinton pardoned Marc Rich and faced plenty of controversy for it to this day. That pardon benefited Bill Clinton, who continues to run scams with Rich and others in his criminal cabal. Looks like Bill Clinton never paid a price for his unscrupulous presidential pardon for a criminal in exile from the US to escape justice.

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